Years at Tufts:
High School, Medford Massachusetts University of Notre Dame Midshipmen's
School Graduate ,
World War II Naval Commission 1944 Tufts College, A1947, History-Government
Boston College Law School, J. D. 1950
Betty (Doane) Zamparelli, Tufts College, J1947, Economics-Sociology.
Former public school teacher.
Three children: John F. Jr., Lisa M., Laurie J.
Chronology of Education and Military Career:
2, 1942
Signed up for V-1 Program as enlisted man on inactive status while
undergoing college training with promise of commission when ready
for Midshipmen's School. All V-1 students were transferred to the
V-12 Program to fulfill promise of future Naval commission.
Assigned to active duty from V-1 to V-12 at the Naval Training
Unit at Tufts College
V-12 Welterweight and Middleweight Boxing Champion

Boxing fight in Cousens Gymnasium.
Dean Wessell and Captain Preston B. Haines, U.S.N., were present
at the fight. Captain Haines made the following statement
after the well fought match was finished:
There's blood on this deck.
The blood of welterweights who fought to the end - winner
and loser. That is why America will be victorious in this
Transferred from V-12 Program to the Naval Midshipmen's School
at the University of Notre Dame
Middleweight Boxing Champion of Midshipmen's School
Volunteered for the LCT (Landing Craft Tank) duty or any craft
to hit the beach in the first five waves
Commissioned as Ensign upon graduation
Ordered to San Francisco before reporting to Hawaii for LCT indoctrination

Awarded Admiral Nimitz Naval Citation with star for taking first
LCT from Pearl Harbor to Philippines. LCT traveled on its own power
for forty-three days instead of usual launching from an LST (Landing
Ship Tank).
Duties of LCT included loading of ammunition from Victory and Liberty
ships for transfer to Battleships, Aircraft Carriers, Heavy and
Light Cruisers, Destroyers and all other fighting ships of the Navy.
Returned to Tufts College to qualify for Bachelor's Degree
Chosen to present class gift at Commencement Ceremonies by Tufts
College Administration.
Activities included: Alpha Sigma Phi Fraternity, writing for Tufts
Weekly, and playing Varsity football