Years at Tufts:
Tufts E1945, Mechanical Engineering High School, Waltham, MA
Past Memberships and Offices:
American Society of Mechanical Engineers; American Society of Materials
Handling; Institute of Packaging Professionals; Phi Epsilon Pi Fraternity;
Temple Beth Elohim, Wellesley, Mass.
Current memberships:
President of Class of 1945; Board of Directors of Cape Cod Tufts
Club; Co-Chair of V-12 / NROTC Memorial Committee and Tisch Library
Exhibit; Tufts Alumni Council; Traditions Committee; Co-Chair of Class
Eleanor H. Berkovich, May 2, 1959. Boston University, CBA, 1948
Howard A., Tufts, E1984, MBA Babson 1989; James P., Connecticut
College, BA 1988 
Reading, Theatre, Symphony, Gardening.
World War II Duty:
NROTC, Tufts University, September 1941 - Commissioned February
Sub Chaser Training at Bar Harbor Section Base (née Yacht Club),
Bar Harbor, Maine.
Additional training at Sub Chaser Training Center, Miami, Florida.
Convoy duty, Caribbean Sea and South Atlantic on board 128 foot
wooden-hulled Sub Chaser (SC-1298).
Through Panama Canal to San Diego and on to Pearl Harbor, Hawaii,
for outfitting as Invasion Landing Control Vessel.
Invasions of Iwo Jima, Okinawa and three other smaller Okinawan
Office of Naval Research at Guggenheim Estate, Sands Point, Port
Washington, Long Island, New York.