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"Review of Year's War Activities Shows Effort, Laudable Results"

Tufts Weekly, May 15, 1943

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Tufts War Questionnaire
Tufts War Questionnaire

Tufts and the Red Cross
Tufts and the Red Cross

First Aid Course
First Aid Course

Coca-Cola Advertisement
Coca-Cola Advertisement,
Victory Garden Girl

From the onset of the war, the college administration was concerned with Tufts' contribution to the war effort. In 1942, a questionnaire was distributed in the Tufts Weekly, now the Observer, in an attempt by the college to make use of all skills and interests of students. Some of the war activities held at Tufts include:

Sale of war bonds and stamps
Red Cross drive
Victory Book Drive
Drive for nylon stockings
Fundraising for war orphans
Training for air raid wardens
Victory gardens


Campus Victory Garden
Campus Victory Garden

Staff and students planted numerous victory gardens around campus. Members of the community, including a letter carrier and two firemen, also chipped in and took advantage of the campus gardens.

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